Today i share with you some codes to check and prevent your android device from hacking:
Data the most important factor of everyone life. No one does want that his/her personal data are gone in wrong hand. In today world, where the technology is become more and more advanced. Where it’s latest cracks and vulnerabilities are also introduced daily. We also download many applications in our Android phones. Some are from authentic sources and some are from unauthentic sources, where the risk of malwares and breach of personal data are become 90%. Because the attackers attached the malicious files with pirated softwares and when the user download it. The attackers make control on their victim device and transfer all personal data to their devices.
But the question is how we see our Android device are in attackers control or not???
So, today i answer this question and tell you some codes which can tell you that your android device are in attackers control or not.
•: Android Secret Codes
If you want to use these codes first open your android device call pad and type the following codes, which have different purposes:
- To Check your android device is hacked or not. Type *#21*, *#67# or *#62# in your phone call dialing pad. The purpose of these three codes are same but most time one code is valid to the device and other is not valid. When you enter one of these codes press the dial phone icon button (which is used to call others). After this the following display is appear on your screen.

This display will show you, your device is hacked or not. If your device is in attackers control or if the attacker transferred your messages, calls, personal data or voices etc. So, you can see forwarded instead of not forwarded.
Now another question is raised in your mind is if the attackers take control of our device and if this option show forwarded instead of not forwarded. So, what we can do???
Don’t worry i also tell you another code which can solve your problem.
- If your android device is in attackers control and they can forward your personal information. So type ##002# in your android dial pad and press the phone icon button (which is used to call others). After this you can see the following display.

In this display you can see a line “Erasure was successful”. This mean if the attackers forward your personal information. So, this code disabled their attack.
•: My Opinion:
I hope you like these codes. Give me your opinion about these codes in comment section. Always take one thing in your mind no data is small and if you don’t focus on your privacy. So, one day you will trap in some serious problem.
•: Ending
I hope after reading this article you can know about how to prevent your android device from hacking with the help of secret codes. This is my opinion about this topic. If i can take any mistake please comment me and i am waiting for your response.
Thank You.
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