Today the topic of our discussion is very astonishing:
Do you know!!! Your mobile phone is infected with malware, while you not download any malicious file.
Do you know!!! Your mobile phone is infected with malware even it is packed into the box.
Do you know!!! How astonishing it is, when you purchase new mobile phone and you know it is infected with malware.
Now the question is how our smartphones are infected with malware, when they are packed into the boxes.
So, don’t worry i answer this astonishing question.
•: How It’s Possible
When the company want to manufacturer mobile phones, we know that the whole parts are not manufacturer by the same companies. The parts are assembled from different places from different companies. If we talk about the mobile phone software (ROM). So, it is also develop by different companies. Because the big companies of smartphones are sometimes not able to add different features in their mobile phone. So, they take help from thrid party companies and the game of inserting malware are start from there.

When the main company demand the third party company to develop a software for their mobile phone or to insert different new features in their software. So, the third party company also insert malware with software or with new features and send it to the main company. The main company download that software in their smartphones and packed them into the boxes. So, your new device is come with malware pre-installed in it.
Now the question raised in your mind:
How we realized that our smartphone is infected with malware???
So, the answer is if your new smartphone is heated, it battery timing is low and it’s hang after sometime. So, there is a rare chance that your smartphone is infected with malware.
•: Do You Know!!!
The Google also confirmed that, some smartphones are come with malware and our “Google Play Protect” can detect it. But the question is can the “Google Play Protect” detect all malware???
•: My Opinion
My opinion on this topic is it’s very shameful that the new smartphone is come with malware. This things seen rare with local phone companies and it is against our privacy policy.
•: Ending
I hope after reading this article you can know about how packed smartphones are infected with malware. This is my opinion about this topic. If i can take any mistake please comment me and i’m waiting for your response.
Thank You.
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